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» Ibadah umroh dilaksanakan di daerah kota. WA : 0818-0986-7604 Jadwal Umroh Murah Plus Madinah Di Bandung. PT. Bina Cipta Sarana memiliki izin resmi dari Kemenag RI sebagai penyelenggara ibadah umroh. Selalu membantu Anda sejak pra, saat hingga kepulangan
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 7:34 pm by [Borneo]Uchiha™

» Mencari dana tambahan untuk usaha tambang batu split yang sudah berjalan di Cilegon
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2021 10:42 am by profmarket

» Cara menanam jamur kancing - bisnis online shop paling laris. Kami menjual jamur kancing grosiran harga paling murah dan mencari rekanan yang bisa memasarkan jamur kancing ke rumah makan besar. Hubungi WA : 081809867604
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 11:58 am by profmarket

» Madu murni asli untuk wajah, alamat penjual madu asli di Bandung wa : 081809867604
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2020 9:39 am by profmarket

» Madu hutan asam, pusat madu hutan di Bandung wa : 081809867604
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2020 5:46 am by profmarket

» Madu murni tanpa gula, grosir madu asli di Bandung
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2020 12:12 am by profmarket

» Kain amunzen tekstur - West Java Textile | wa : 082218137048, perusahaan kain amunzen Bandung
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 17, 2019 9:25 am by profmarket

» Madu odeng asli dan palsu, alamat penjual madu asli di Bandung wa : 081809867604
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2019 5:50 am by profmarket

» Sifat kain amunzen - West Java Textile | wa : 085894935688, alamat kain amunzen Bandung
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2019 5:48 am by profmarket

» Jenis kain wolfis terbaik hubungi wa : 082218137048, grosir kain wolfis Bandung. Minimal pemesanan 400 yard.
All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 09, 2019 9:38 am by profmarket

November 2024


 All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 7:15 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

cheat atm

1. ATM level
2. ATM exp
3. ATM tp(limited)
4. ATM gold
5. No charles required to access the file

1. Open Fiddler and click autorespoder tab
2. Check "Enable automatic responses" & "Unmatched request passthrough"
3. Drop swf file on the table below "If URI matches..."
4. Clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" on fiddler
5. Force traffic to fiddler (firefox users)
6. Log in to Ninja Saga
7. Go to Headquarters
8. Enter password: 63978DCB04
9. Increase your pet/char level, exp, gold and tp.

Note: Don't change time delay to avoid errors.
Character must be one month or older to attain level 60 or higher using this hack.

Credits: HC
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 4:10 pm

eh bsa cheatin gue gak?

Terakhir diubah oleh [Borneo]Ray_Van tanggal Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:16 am, total 1 kali diubah
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 5:39 pm

Hahaha Mungkin dia Cari ini Cheat Biar dapet MOMOD
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 6:49 pm

@ray .. ane jarang maen gan ane hanya share dari blog orang ..
@rex .. gk juga cheatnya udah lama ada di forum ane .. ane share aja di sini
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 7:04 pm

mantap mantap mantap mantap mantap
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 4:55 pm

++++ bericendol bericendol
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 10:16 pm

ne cheat udah lama tapi gue kasih cendol bericendol bericendol bericendol bericendol
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 8:50 pm

tommycoo wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

cheat atm

1. ATM level
2. ATM exp
3. ATM tp(limited)
4. ATM gold
5. No charles required to access the file

1. Open Fiddler and click autorespoder tab
2. Check "Enable automatic responses" & "Unmatched request passthrough"
3. Drop swf file on the table below "If URI matches..."
4. Clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" on fiddler
5. Force traffic to fiddler (firefox users)
6. Log in to Ninja Saga
7. Go to Headquarters
8. Enter password: 63978DCB04
9. Increase your pet/char level, exp, gold and tp.

Note: Don't change time delay to avoid errors.
Character must be one month or older to attain level 60 or higher using this hack.

Credits: HC
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 12:44 pm

work gk nih gan bingung
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 8:42 pm

kyk mna dowlod nya gan cheat atm nie .,.,
GW nggk tau cara nya.,. Crying or Very sad Sad Question
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 7:26 am

work ga nie???
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 7:33 am

iyo.,., Exclamation
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:31 pm

Crying or Very sad
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:41 pm

cendo, toastcendol
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 1:59 pm

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 2:00 pm

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 2:00 pm

Crying or Very sad
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 2:01 pm

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 2:02 pm

Evil or Very Mad
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 2:02 pm

Crying or Very sad
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 3:29 pm

itukan cheat dari cielo inferno
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 11:07 pm

Work gk di win 7
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2012 11:46 am

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2012 11:47 am

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2012 11:48 am

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2012 5:20 pm

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2012 3:47 am

Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2012 6:55 pm

Neutral Mad I love you
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 12:38 pm

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:13 am

SWF ny Mna Gan...??
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 3:18 pm

Quote :

1. ATM level
2. ATM exp
3. ATM tp(limited)
4. ATM gold
5. No charles required to access the file

1. Open Fiddler and click autorespoder tab
2. Check "Enable automatic responses" & "Unmatched request passthrough"
3. Drop swf file on the table below "If URI matches..."
4. Clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" on fiddler
5. Force traffic to fiddler (firefox users)
6. Log in to Ninja Saga
7. Go to Headquarters
8. Enter password: 63978DCB04
9. Increase your pet/char level, exp, gold and tp.

Note: Don't change time delay to avoid errors.
Character must be one month or older to attain level 60 or higher using this hack.

Credits: HC

link has been suspended -_-"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
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Senior Traniee

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 7:57 am

Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Senior Traniee
Senior Traniee

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 8:00 am

mana link download ya
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 10:08 pm

gotkp gotkp gotkp
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2012 10:34 am

bericendol bericendol
tommycoo wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

cheat atm

1. ATM level
2. ATM exp
3. ATM tp(limited)
4. ATM gold
5. No charles required to access the file

1. Open Fiddler and click autorespoder tab
2. Check "Enable automatic responses" & "Unmatched request passthrough"
3. Drop swf file on the table below "If URI matches..."
4. Clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" on fiddler
5. Force traffic to fiddler (firefox users)
6. Log in to Ninja Saga
7. Go to Headquarters
8. Enter password: 63978DCB04
9. Increase your pet/char level, exp, gold and tp.

Note: Don't change time delay to avoid errors.
Character must be one month or older to attain level 60 or higher using this hack.

Credits: HC
Kembali Ke Atas Go down

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 10:17 am

THREAD SAYA CLOSE thread closed
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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Empty
PostSubyek: Re: All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)   All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold) Icon_minitime

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All In One ATM (1. ATM level 2. ATM exp 3. ATM tp(limited) 4. ATM gold)
Kembali Ke Atas 
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